Calm Before the Storm
by Kevin Daly
Buy the Original Painting
16.000 x 12.000 x 1.500 inches
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Calm Before the Storm
Kevin Daly
Painting - Acrylic Finger Paint Canvas
If you're interested in a painting with a backstory I've got one for you. This started as my first attempt at plein air painting. I had packed everything (so I thought), and hiked up a hill overlooking Convict Lake.
After I set everything up and did my pencil sketch I was ready to grab my brushes and start painting. Damn! I forgot my brushes. It was going to be an hour round trip to go back home so I said F it...I'll use my fingers.
I loved painting this way! I found myself focusing on colors and contrast more than fine details. In the end I was happy and started packing up as storm clouds were coming in.
I took one last picture of the finished painting. A few seconds later a gust of wind blows my easel down and spatters paint on my finished painting. No time to wipe it off as it was now pouring rain. I ran down the hill protecting the painting from the rain and trying not to trip over the sagebrush. When I got to my car I took a picture of the mess and did my best to restore it. It took some creativity but I was able to remove most signs that it has been splattered with paint.
So this painting is my first plein air, first finger paint, and has been destroyed and restored. It is only a day old but has had an eventful life so far.
July 24th, 2019
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